About Our Library
- Library has a total collection of24403 books.
- We are subscribing seven newspapers (12 copies) and Thirty four periodicals.
- Classes I to V are following class library system.
- Number of books purchased this year is 722.
- Number of Text Books is 773 and number of Reference Books is 717.
- Enough number of books are provided and they are well utilized.
- Automation of the library has been completed.
- Students are writing book reviews after reading the books.
- Every week a book review is presented in the assembly.
- Computerized cataloguing and classification is followed.
- Library committee meets regularly and review the working of the library.
- Book issue is through computer with the help of bar coding.
- Programmes are arranged to improve the reading habit of the students.
- Reading Hour was observed on Tuesday 21 st November, 2014 during the national Book week.
- Two Book exhibitions were arranged during this year.
- Bharat book distributors conducted a book exhibition on 30th September and DC Books on 8th & 9th November, 2014.